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Please obtain a copy of your child's current/updated immunization record from their primary care physician or local Health Department. Michigan immunization law requires that a child enrolled in a school or childcare center be immunized against the diseases specified unless a valid exemption applies.

If your child has not received the recommended immunizations for medical reasons, your doctor will need to provide a Medical Contraindication Form.

 If your child has not received the recommended immunizations for religious or philosophical reasons an Immunization Waiver Form can be obtained from the local Health Department. The Health Department of Northwest Michigan holds clinics for appointments twice per month and can be contacted at (800) 432-4121.

Please note, based on the public health code, a child entering kindergarten, 7th grade, or a new school district (any grade) without either an up-to-date immunization record, a certified Immunization Waiver Form, or a Medical Contraindication Form can be excluded from school.

Click on the link below for more information regarding immunizations recommended by the Center for Disease Control.

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